Monday, April 19, 2021

EOTO Peer Presentations - Netflix

Blog Post #8    


Today we love to get together and watch movies with our friends and family. Before technology really took off, the way to access movies was by DVDs. Today we have the leisure of logging in to movie streaming services by the access of our phones, laptops, tablets, and SmartTV's. One of the most popular movie streaming services today is Netflix. 

The Launch of Netflix 

Netflix was launched by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings in 1998 competing with the Blockbuster DVD rental industry. When Netflix was first launched, users were able to order from the Netflix website and have movies delivered to them. In 2007, Netflix gave the option of direct movie streaming right onto your laptop or computer. In 2011, Netflix got rid of DVDs altogether. In 2010, Netflix was available in Canada and later released in other countries worldwide. 

Today, Netflix currently has over 203.7 million subscribers. People obviously love Netflix because it is extremely easy to use. You can simply search the movie you are looking for, click on it, and watch it! With DVDs, you would have to take the time out of your day to go pick up a physical copy of a movie. 

Problems and Competitors 

One huge problem that Netflix faced was the issue of split streaming and DVD services in two different services.  Today, Netflix competes with another movie streaming service called "Disney Plus" Disney Plus was released in December 2019 and already has the same amount of subscribers that Netflix has. Netflix has lost over 1 million subscribers to Disney Plus.  These streaming services compete with each other with user prices, movie varieties, and more, Although Netflix has a number of competitors, I feel like Netflix will still continue to evolve and try to make its platform stronger than it already is. 

Take the time out to view the Top 10 Video Streaming Services  On the Market Today to see the pros and cons of our most popular video services today. 

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