Monday, April 26, 2021

Diffusion Theory

Blog Post # 9 

 Diffusion Theory - The iPhone

Why did the iPhone become so popular? 

Apple is one of the most powerful brands worldwide. Before the iPhone came out in 2007, Apple already had well-known items already invented like the Apple iPod. This may have something to do with why the iPhone took off so quickly. Studies have shown that people use Apple products because of the qualities, characteristics, and marketing. Apple uses methods to boost its recognition. Apple gives out free products for big-name producers to use on-screen. This makes people want to buy their products. The iPhone was considered a revolutionary product of its time. The iPhone had a new, aesthetic, sleek design that no other smartphone had at the time. The combination of all of these ideas leads to making the existence of the iPhone so successful. 

Early and Late Adopters 

The term "early majority" refers to the first segment of a population to adopt an innovation. Individuals that are in the early majority are usually willing to take a chance on a new product. The late adopters tend to need more time to feel comfortable with the new product before they try the product out or make a purchase.  Check out this real statistic: On June 19, 2007, Apple rolled out the first iPhone, with a relatively high price tag of $600. Two months later, Apple lowered the price to $400. And in June of 2009, the price again dropped, to $200. By that time, the latest iteration of the iPhone offered twice the storage as the original.
The early adopters went out and bought the phone as soon as it came out, while the late adapters bought the phone after they saw the early adapters embrace the new technology. The early adopters were probably young aged people and people who were into technology. The late adopters were probably the older generation of people that did not really care about new technology. 

Pros and Cons 

Before the iPhone, many people used Samsung. Many people probably switched over to the iPhone because of the superior hardware that the iPhone has. The iPhone is easy to use, it has advanced features, a beautiful design, high build quality, and great performance. You may wonder why there are people that have not switched to the iPhone.  Many people have argued that the iPhone is too expensive and too high-tech for their liking. The iPhone has its pros and cons, but I think it just varies on the person and the generation. 

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