Monday, April 19, 2021

In The Age of AI

Blog Post #5

Artificial Intelligence 

 Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving." Artificial intelligence refers to the concept of a computer being able to automatically adapt to new data without being helped by a human. This is a frightening topic and it really made me skeptical about even wanting to use the internet. 

Positive Aspects

The positive aspect of this technology is it convenient, it can predict and meet your needs quickly. Reduction in human error would be less. Humans make careless mistakes, but computers do not if they are programmed the right way. By having a robot of this type of technology, we can allow it to do the things that we do not want to do, such as defusing bombs, going to mars, exploring unknown parts of the ocean, and more. AI can be available whenever you want it to be. Having this 24/7 digital assistance will help with saving human resources. New inventions can easily be made along with faster decisions. 

The Downsides 

Obviously, the fact that this technology can know so much about me and people, in general, is scary, but there are also more downsides than just that. This technology can also be a bad thing because of the high costs of development, it can take away jobs, and it can promote a lack of human contact. In today's world, contact is more important than ever before. This leads to no emotion and no "out of the box" thinking. A piece of technology will not be able to connect with humans and it will not be able to have ideas other than those that are designed and programmed into them


Many people are skeptical of AI security and whether it is a good or bad thing for cybersecurity. The advantages of security are it is able to identify the behavior of dangerous individuals, it can improve the responses of local authorities towards National threats, and it can pick up criminal behavior. The cons are people can be easily targeted and hacked,  it can steal banking information, and it makes manually tracking more difficult. Overall, the video really surprised me. I never really thought about what technology can learn about you based off of daily activities, buying habits, and google searches. 

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