Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Supreme Court

Blog Post #2

The Supreme Court of The United States 

The Supreme Court of the United States is the most powerful body judicial body on earth. The court is nominated and selected by the Presidental nomination and the senates confirmation role. The confirmation process is a very important part of being appointed. The Supreme Court of the United States has a total of nine justices. 

In 1803, the Marshall Court was faced with the Marbury v. Madison case. The decision that was made in this case was a turning point in history. The supreme court ruled Madison's SCOTUS unconstitutional through checks and balances. When John Marshall was appointed Chief Justice, he changed the court into a powerful establishment. 

According to uscourts.gov, The supreme court holds a very high role because they get to have the final say in situations.  Judicial review plays a huge role in making sure each branch knows its limit when it comes down to power. The Supreme Court protects civil rights and liberties and they cut out any laws that may violate the constitution. 

The Supreme Court has come a long way from then to now. The Supreme court had to build its way up to gain the power that they have today. They had to establish a balance of power within the three branches, and from there, they had to make altercations to continue to make the court powerful and effective. 

Take a look at the members of the Supreme Court of The United States today! https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/biographies.aspx

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